Sunday, July 6, 2008

Week Number Thirty

Week Number 30 ( July 6th - July 12th )

Sunday July 6th

Go to Barbados Blvd in the morning. Run 3.5 miles. Did 1.5 miles with the dogs in the stroller, and the other 2 miles by myself. Walk 1/2 mile afterwards.
Tuesday July 8th
Go to Barbados Blvd and run 3 miles, walk 1/2 mile.
Don't know what happened? Was gonna run Thursday but got rained out, then didn't make it to the 5 miler w/Scott & Kelly.
Can't stand this hot sticky weather.
Total mileage for the week is 6.5 miles running, and 1 mile walked


luvmyharleydoggison said...

Wow!!!! Great going!

Lesley Looper said...

Wow, good job! Is that the farthest you've run?

Congrats on the 5K. Bet your next one will be even faster. I'd love to be kissin' 30 minutes for a 5K. Not there yet.

Can you access the Durham Love blog? It's not working for me anymore; it's like the posts have been wiped out.

Uncivil said...

Must be the calcium suppliments? Not achin' as bad as I used too!


Yes....I guess that is my farthest run since I've started back this year.
Need to start upping my mileage and I've been putting it off for too long.
Hoping to run a 5 miler Saturday with Bro & Sis-n-law. The goal will be to do it it an hour.
I guess Kim decided to terminate her Durham Love blog? I can't get anything either.

I don't know if I'll ever contemplate the mileage you're doin'? A 10k would probably be max for me, and I'll probably wait till next year to step up to that level.