Sunday, December 30, 2007

Week Number Three

Week number 3 (Dec 30th 07 > Jan 5th 08)

I'll be doing this weekly, so as not to have too many posts! I will post from day to day but will udate/edit as I go through out the week.

Also....this is a rednecks journal.......rednecks will talk about their cholesterol intake and bodily that being said....readers beware?
Sunday Dec 30th 07
Skipped breakfast this mornin'. Head out to run about 9:30 am. Run/waddle first mile in just over 13 minutes. Walk to the 1.8 mile turn around at old bridge site.Then I ran and walked the 1.8 miles back. I managed to run two half mile stretches on the way back giving me a total of 2 miles running and 1.6 miles walked for today.
Monday Dec 31st 07
Had the usual Heart stopper breakfast at What's Cook'n! 2 eggs scrambled,hash browns, bacon,toast,and coffee.
And a very pleasant surprise before I sat down to eat my brakfast!
I didn't get there until a little after 8:00 am and put my 50 cents in the Star-News rack. I went to pull the newspaper out and felt a weight on top of it? I looked a little further in and noticed what looked like a coffee cup wrapped in a plastic bag?
I figured someone in the restuarant was playing a joke on me, so I grabbed it and brought it inside with me. The waitresses claimed they didn't do it and said "finders keepers"?
Come to find out, it was an advertising stunt that Star-News was doing, and I was the "Early Bird" and a day early I might add!
I took pictures and they should explain it all!

I guess our local newspaper man decided to start the game a day early, cause last time I checked it was still December 31st 2007?

Then for lunch I went to Carolina BBQ and had the buffet, and a friend paid for that! I've really over done it on the eating today! Don't go to a buffet with to skinny friends.

I hope my New Year starts this good and stays this way!!!!.......except for the over eating!....LOL

I hope your's does too!!! to my meager attempt at running today!

I got started around 5:20 pm at Barbados Blvd. And I ran 1 mile in 13.5 minutes. Walked 1/2 mile. Ran another 1 mile in just under 14 minutes. And walked 1/2 mile back to my truck.

I covered 3 miles in 46.5 minutes, and 2 of those miles were running? Crap! I've walked that distance that fast just a few months ago with steel toed shoes!!!!

I'm not giving up! Maybe I'll get the determination to diet and lose weight soon? I've givin up soft drinks since this summer, now I need to learn to give up sweet iced tea, and sweetened coffee darn it!

A friend told me today that I shouldn't be drinking my calories, and that made a lot of sense! Maybe I'll make that my New Year's Resolution?

Tuesday January 1st 2008

"What's Cook'n" was closed this morning so I rode into town and had my "Heart Stopper" breakfast at "Jimbo's"

On the way back home I got pulled over by a Highway Patrolman in an unmarked Mustang! He clocked me going 58 mph in 45 mph zone.

When he got out and walked up to my car........I said "I'm sure starting my New Year off right ain't I?"

He took my license back to his Fancy Mustang , then returned a few minutes later and handed them back to me? All he said was "Slow it down and have a Happy New Year?"

I came home and changed clothes and headed out to Barbados Blvd. Ran 1 mile in 12.5 minutes. Then it took me about 17 minutes to walk the second mile. My calves and ankles were killing me. So, only 1 mile ran and 1 mile walked today!

Come home and clean up, go over and pick Dad up,then head up to Wallace to get my girls for the week. Then we went to Harry McCoy's New Year Mud Party!

Wednesday Jan 2nd 08

First day back at work in almost two weeks! It was good to finally get a liver pudding and egg sandwich from the Piggly Wiggly this morning.

Peanut butter sandwich and Wendy's chili for lunch!

Head out to Barbados Blvd to run after several snafus I'd rather not mention. It's colder than a well diggers ass and I took off and ran about 2 tenths of a mile before I turned around and came back to the car. It's 34 degrees outside and it feels like 24 with the wind factor.

So I head back home and bundle up in a pair of sweats with an old pair of combat crewman's overalls over that,and then a hooded sweatshirt and gloves!

Head back out to Barbados and take off on the run. I swear it felt like I was running in a fat suit? I ran a 1/2 mile, walked a 1/2 mile,then ran 1 1/2 miles and walked the last mile. It took me 53 minutes to cover the 3 miles, but my calves and ankles didn't hurt. Finished up around 8:00 pm

Total run today 2 miles and walked 1 mile.

Thursday & Friday Jan 3rd & 4th 08

Rest days?

Feelin' pretty crappy and it's too cold for me to get my sorry arse motivated. I guess Wednesday's night run in the 30 degree weather just took the wind out of my sails?

Saturday Jan 5th 08

Yeah! It got up to 57 dgrees today, and that feels warm compared to the last 3 days. I had the usual greasy breakfast this mornin'.

It was so nice outside that I took the dogs with me down to Barbados Blvd and walked them a little over a mile, then ran while I pushed them in their stroller for 2 miles with a 14 mpm pace. Then I walked them another mile in the stroller to cool down.

That gives me 2 miles ran today and 2 miles walked.

Weekly totals; ran 9 miles & walked 6.6 miles

PS. I bought my first treadmill today. It's a used Weslo Cadence EX 12. It was only $80 bucks and I figured I might as well start out with a cheap simple one till I'm ready to upgrade. Plus most people can walk faster than I'm running at the moment!!LOL!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Week Number Two

Week number 2 (Dec 23rd 07 > Dec 29th 07)

I'll be doing this weekly, so as not to have too many posts! I will post from day to day but will udate/edit as I go through out the week.

Also....this is a rednecks journal.......rednecks will talk about their cholesterol intake and bodily that being said....readers beware?

Sunday Dec 23rd 07

Starting the week off bad. Still recovering from wine drinking stunt Friday!
No running today. Walked a mile or two around the neighborhood helping my neighbors look for their lost Chihuahua! They've only had it a week.
We didn't find it. I'm sure someone picked it up!

Had the usual Heart stopper breakfast at What's Cook'n!
2 eggs over easy,grits, bacon,biscuit,and coffee.

Eating habits aren't worth keeping up with during the Holidays!
Monday Christmas Eve 07
Skipped breakfast this mornin'.
Head out on run about 10:30 am at Loop road! Run a half mile in six minutes but both calves and ankles are killin' me? Walk the next half mile, and then run another six minute half mile! Calves and ankles feel like they are going to explode. At least my lungs are working fine? Walk 1 1/2 miles back home feelin' like a wore out old fart! Also, I didn't have a blow out today, and I brought my pocket knife just in case!
Lunch w/Dad at K&W cafeteria. We call it Kanes & Walkers!LOL!!! Had liver and onions, mashed taters,sauted vegetables, mexican cornbread, and tea.
We took Ab & Em to the dog park at Empie Park! Then visit Bro, Sis-in-law, and my Niece. Let Ab & Em play with Harleyman & Molly!
Tuesday, Christmas Day 07
Skipped Breakfast again just because I know I'm gonna do some serious over eatin' later!
Worked out with Kettlebell, Barbell, & Total Trainer for about 15 minutes to warm up for my run.Shoulder is slowly recovering.

Head out on run about 10:30 am, and run 3/4 mile in 10 minutes.. Calves & ankles hurtin too bad to push through to the one mile mark. Head on out to the 1.8 mile mark at Old Bridge site with interval jogs and walking to recover. Turn around and do the same thing on the way back. So, I probably ran 1.5 miles out of the 3.6 mile jaunt.

Take Ab & Em to the river for a walk but Emily is favoring her right front leg, so we cut the walk short.

Wednesday Dec 26th 07

It's cold and rainy, so that's a good excuse for a rest day. Plus the fact that I'm recovering from all the over eating at Mary's yesterday. Also wanted to snuggle with Ab & Em as much as I can, cause I agreed to let Miss Civil come and get them a day early:(

Thursday Dec 27th 07

Woke up at 2:00 am & couldn't go back to sleep. Finally got up around 2:40. Do some kettlebell swings & hit the Total Trainer. Run in place for 10 minutes. Back to bed around 3:15 am.

Had the usual Heart stopper breakfast at What's Cook'n!2 eggs over easy,grits, bacon,toast,and iced tea.

PT's Cheeseburger & Fry for lunch!

Didn't get out to run/walk till around 6:00 pm. Found a nice secluded dead end stretch of road to run. It's only 9 tenths of a mile though.

Walk in 9 tenths mile, run back out 9 tenths,walk in 9 tenths,run back 6 tenths, and walk the final 3 tenths back to my truck. Total of 3.6 miles with 1.5 miles of it running.

Back home and hit the kettlebells, barbell, and Total Trainer.

Drank a little pedialyte to rehydrate. Broccoli for supper!

Friday Dec. 28th 07

Had the usual Heart stopper breakfast at What's Cook'n!2 eggs over easy,grits, bacon,toast,and iced tea.

Wait a few hours and head down to Wrightsville Beach. Walk 2.5 mile loop in just under 39 minutes. Rest one minute then run the 2.5 mile loop in just under 34 minutes. Then walk it one more time in 38.5 minutes.

Darn....that's how slow I'm runnin'? I only shaved five minutes off the walk. Hell...I guess it looks like I'm runnin' in place? Well......that's the longest distance I've run/waddled without stopping yet.

Grand total of 7 miles waddled in 1 hour 52.5 minutes!!!LOL

I had two motivators from opposite ends of the spectrum. I had a truckload of teenagers ride by and one of them and hollered "walk faster fat ass"!!! I thought...."that's Mr. fat ass to you, punk"!

I travel the loop in the opposite direction that most people walk/run , because I will work myself to death trying to keep up with people as they pass me.

Anyway, I noticed this drop dead gorgeous oriental girl running along like a gazelle as she crossed my path on the first walk. Then we crossed paths again as I was trying to do my best personation at running the second 2.5 miles. She gave me the brightest smile and said "You're doing great"! She has no idea how bad I needed to hear that!

You can't help but notice all the different folks along the way. I noticed this one young man who seemed to be in his twenties trucking along. He was overweight like myself, and seemed to be struggling with his running. I visualized him in the future, 30 or 40 pounds lighter and trucking along like that sweet oriental gazelle that passed me earlier.

I was rather proud of myself for not visualizing the young vibrant runners as curmudgeony old farts like myself. LOL!!!!!

Saturday Dec 29th 07

Not gonna even think about running today cause I over did it yesterday!

These old bones have had it for the week and I'm sore as hell!

Weekly totals are about 10 miles walked and 6.5 miles ran, or waddled in my case!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Week Number One

Week number 1 (Dec 16th 07 > Dec 22nd 07)

I'll be doing this weekly, so as not to have too many posts! I will post from day to day but will udate/edit as I go through out the week.

Also....this is a rednecks journal.......rednecks will talk about their cholesterol intake and bodily that being said....readers beware?

Sunday Dec 16th 07

Up early for a Heart stopper breakfast at What's Cook'n!
Scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns,toast, and coffee

Wait a couple hours for food to settle while washing clothes,cleaning up dog hair,etc

Warm up with 3 sets of 30 reps with 26 pound kettlebell swings! Try Hindu pushups and other various exercises but my injured right shoulder has that on hold for now!

Run one mile just under 13 minutes. Walk another 2.5 miles with a few short burst of runs scattered through out. Damn?...sounds like the weather channel?
I did the whole shee-bang in around 50 minutes!

Drank a little pedialyte to rehydrate

Only had an apple for lunch! Feeling guilty about breakfast, and not to mention that I am constipated today!

Had a spiral ham sandwich for supper. Snuck in a few Hershy's kisses and minatures later on!

Monday Dec 17th 07

Liver Pudding and egg sandwich with iced tea from Piggly Wiggly for Breakfast!

Still constipated!

Bossman brought in some chocolate iced pound cake that his wife and little girl made. I made a pig out of myself of course!

Logan's Road House for lunch.
6 ounce sirloin, salad, baked potato, sour dough rolls, iced tea

Get off work 15 minutes late and head into town for gift cards. Decide to go down to Wrightsville Beach Park and walk the loop while I'm in town.

Forgot my tennis shoes (that's redneck for "New Balance" running shoes)
Got to the park and all of a sudden........I'm not constipated anymore?
Barely made it to the latrine! The toilet was motion sensor activated for flushing! It was malfunctioning.
I swear it flushed over a dozen times on it's own while I was sitting there. There's gonna be a water shortage because of it, I'm sure!

Get my composure and start walking! It's cold and windy! Forgot chapstick?
Manage to walk the 2.5 mile loop in 39 minutes with my steeltoed redwing boots, Levis, and field jacket.
Just in time to hit the latrine again! Glad it didn't hit me at the half way mark!
I did some serious spray painting of the toilet again, and the motion sensor did it's thing again! I swear I believe it's gonna be on "Candid Camera" ? It kept flushing on it's own like about two dozen courtesy flushes or something, like it was a living thing and it was in agony!

Ok....I get my composure again and head home! Now I got chapped lips on both ends?

Too scared to eat supper!

Tuesday Dec 18th 07

Bodily functions back to normal!

Liver Pudding and egg sandwich with iced tea from Piggly Wiggly for Breakfast!

Andy's Cheesburger & Fry w/iced tea for lunch

Went to Razor Ray's and got my ears lowered after work!

Forgot to take my darn tennis shoes to work with me again! Had to plod along in my steel toed boots!

Walk 2.5 miles around the Burgaw Cemetary near our office! Talked on the cell phone with friends and family just about the whole way and lost track of time and laps. Every body kept asking why I was breathing so hard and I told them I was walking and talking! I was walking as fast as I could too! Plus it's not flat ground there either, plenty of gentle slopes! I hate to try to run in steel toes!

Starving my ass off on the way home! I could eat a skunk boiled in kerosene I was so hungry!

Come home and scarf down a Spiraled ham sandwich with some Gatorade while nuking my "Grean Giant Simply Steam Broccoli & Carrots" in the microwave!

Finished that off with some "Chicken in a Biskit" crackers with some Colby Jack cheese and a glass of local Duplin County Christmas wine. OK...OK...a few glasses of Christmas wine!

exchanged emails with ex-wife about bodily functions!!!!

Wednesday Dec 19th 07

Dad turned 73 today! I left his Burfday/Gift card on his front porch before I headed of to work.

Liver Pudding and egg sandwich with iced tea from Piggly Wiggly for Breakfast!

Brought the Kettlebell to work with me today and did I don't know how many hundreds of reps of the basic swing?

Union Pacific Sub,chips,pickles, and iced tea for lunch.

Get off work and go by the Burgaw Cemetary!
Walk 1.2 miles just under 20 minutes.....then run 1 mile in 12 minutes flat....then walk another 1.4 miles..........30 kettlebell swings...stretch!

Stopped by Dad's on way home. His girlfriend is taking him out to eat tonight!!!!Booty call!!!!!LOL!!!!Just kidding!

Dad turned me on to some killer fudge that a friend made for him!

Come home and nuke some "Lean Cusine Glazed Chicken & Rice" & some "Green Giant Broccoli & Cheese"!

Washin'clothes & bloggin'

Thursday Dec 20th 07

Liver Pudding and egg sandwich with iced tea from Piggly Wiggly for Breakfast!

Lunch; Spiraled Ham Sandwich, Fried chicken leg & thigh, Broccoli & Cheese, Choc.Chip Cookie

Rest Day......Go get my girls

Supper; Spiraled Ham Sandwich

Bed early

Friday Dec 21th 07

Training has taken a drastic turn for the worse today! I don't have a treadmill, and the weather is crappy!
It's raining and the dogs don't even want to go outside! So, instead I'm bloggin' and drinkin' at Uncivil!I did manage to pull off a 1.5 mile walk with the girls!

Saturday Dec 22nd 07

Mom's Birthday (73)........called her and she got my card!

Still recovering from my wild night on my other blog!

Up early for a Heart stopper breakfast at What's Cook'n!
2 eggs over easy,grits, bacon,biscuit,tea and coffee.

Bodily functions are way out of whack! Been on the "Throne" all morning!

Decided to go for a run!!!!I think I was still drunk?

Fruit of The Looms before one mile run!

Fruit of The Looms after one mile run!

You guess what happened?

Weekly totals of only 3 one mile runs, and 12.6 miles of fast walking

Sunday, December 16, 2007


I'm starting this blog as an online journal to help motivate me to start running again. My sister inlaw has invited me to run in her first 5K sometime in early 2008! My little brother is planning to run also!

They are way ahead of me in this game, as I can barely run a mile in the 12 minute bracket. Most people can walk faster than that can't they? I'm 9 years older than baby bro and 10 years older than sis inlaw!

I haven't ran in any events since 98 and haven't ran hardly any at all since the turn of this century!LOL!

I'm going to post the old races and times that I can find in my journals just as motivation for my old ass!

I had always been a runner since childhood, but never ran track in school. I just ran for the exercise of it, along with some weight lifting to try to build a hot body to pick up girls like any young redneck teenager would do. That's normal ain't it?

I got into Martial Arts and Boxing in my early 30's shortly after I got married, which got me into shape for my first 5K in 93 at the Spivey's Corner National Hollerin' Contest. I ran it in 20 minutes 30 seconds and I never beat that time again!

OK here goes my list

1993 at the age of 36; Spivey's Corner 5K Personal record of 20:30

I don't have journals for 93 or 94! Darn it!

1995 age 38

May 6th; Great Raleigh Road Race with my now ex-wife 29:29 (I ran right beside her the whole way cause it was her first 5K

May 13th; Pleasure Isle 5 Mile 38:40

Sept 16th; Raeford 5K 22:47

Oct 1st; Erwin 5K 22:57

Oct 7th; Sun Run @ Wrightsville beach (it was supposed to be a 5K but was actually somewhere between 3.3 and 3.5 miles?) 24:26

Oct 8th; River Fest Run 8K 37 minutes plus?

Oct 21st; UNCW 5K at night 20:30........tied my personal best!!!!!
my ex-wife ran it in 30:09

Nov 12th; Old Reliable Run in Raleigh first 10K......47:29

Nov 18th; Seaside Shuffle @ Wrightsville Beach 5K 21:54

1996 age 39

May 4th; Geenfield Lake Wilmington 5K 21:38

May 11th; Pleasure Isle 5 Mile 38:14

May 18th; White Lake 10K 47:53

June 1st; 5K race in Dunn NC 21:43
ex-wife ran it in 32 plus

June 15th; Diligence Dash in Wilmington 5K 22:31

July 6th ; Southport 5 K 22:22

Oct 19th; Elizabeth Town 5K 23:06

Oct 26th; UNCW 5K at night 22:11

Nov; Erwin 5K 23:15

1997 hit the big 40

May 31st; 5K in Dunn 24:15

June 14th; Diligence Dash in Wilmington 5K 26:15

1998 age 41

May 16th; White Lake 10K 52:48

May 30th; Dunn 5K 24:03

June 6th; Diligence Dash in Wilmington 5K 25:27

July 11th; My last race was the Tri-Span in Wilmington 10K 53:10

1999 to present day......slowly turned into a slob:(

OK....that does it.....I don't know what I'll use this for except some kind of motivation?

I had some minor back surgery in early 2002 and just got completely out of shape. I've been sitting in front of the computer way too much ever since.

I can walk 3 or 4 miles at fast pace with no problems. I'm trying to stay in the half mile to one mile range for running at present time. I'm just to old and rusty to risk aggravating an old knee injury or my back, so I'm taking it slow & easy!

Oh, the picture above is me in 1995 at the Great Raleigh Road Race. I was crossing the finish line running along side my now ex-wife and carrying her sweat shirt. I was pushing her too hard for her first 5K and she was not happy!She could probably smoke my old ass now!LOL!!!!!! Hey, that would motivate me?

Wish me luck and help motivate me!

This is me and the ex-wife in 95 at the finish line. Mr. Uncivil & Miss Civil

Hope she doesn't kill me for posting it? Who knows maybe she want's to get in the game?