Sunday, December 23, 2007

Week Number Two

Week number 2 (Dec 23rd 07 > Dec 29th 07)

I'll be doing this weekly, so as not to have too many posts! I will post from day to day but will udate/edit as I go through out the week.

Also....this is a rednecks journal.......rednecks will talk about their cholesterol intake and bodily that being said....readers beware?

Sunday Dec 23rd 07

Starting the week off bad. Still recovering from wine drinking stunt Friday!
No running today. Walked a mile or two around the neighborhood helping my neighbors look for their lost Chihuahua! They've only had it a week.
We didn't find it. I'm sure someone picked it up!

Had the usual Heart stopper breakfast at What's Cook'n!
2 eggs over easy,grits, bacon,biscuit,and coffee.

Eating habits aren't worth keeping up with during the Holidays!
Monday Christmas Eve 07
Skipped breakfast this mornin'.
Head out on run about 10:30 am at Loop road! Run a half mile in six minutes but both calves and ankles are killin' me? Walk the next half mile, and then run another six minute half mile! Calves and ankles feel like they are going to explode. At least my lungs are working fine? Walk 1 1/2 miles back home feelin' like a wore out old fart! Also, I didn't have a blow out today, and I brought my pocket knife just in case!
Lunch w/Dad at K&W cafeteria. We call it Kanes & Walkers!LOL!!! Had liver and onions, mashed taters,sauted vegetables, mexican cornbread, and tea.
We took Ab & Em to the dog park at Empie Park! Then visit Bro, Sis-in-law, and my Niece. Let Ab & Em play with Harleyman & Molly!
Tuesday, Christmas Day 07
Skipped Breakfast again just because I know I'm gonna do some serious over eatin' later!
Worked out with Kettlebell, Barbell, & Total Trainer for about 15 minutes to warm up for my run.Shoulder is slowly recovering.

Head out on run about 10:30 am, and run 3/4 mile in 10 minutes.. Calves & ankles hurtin too bad to push through to the one mile mark. Head on out to the 1.8 mile mark at Old Bridge site with interval jogs and walking to recover. Turn around and do the same thing on the way back. So, I probably ran 1.5 miles out of the 3.6 mile jaunt.

Take Ab & Em to the river for a walk but Emily is favoring her right front leg, so we cut the walk short.

Wednesday Dec 26th 07

It's cold and rainy, so that's a good excuse for a rest day. Plus the fact that I'm recovering from all the over eating at Mary's yesterday. Also wanted to snuggle with Ab & Em as much as I can, cause I agreed to let Miss Civil come and get them a day early:(

Thursday Dec 27th 07

Woke up at 2:00 am & couldn't go back to sleep. Finally got up around 2:40. Do some kettlebell swings & hit the Total Trainer. Run in place for 10 minutes. Back to bed around 3:15 am.

Had the usual Heart stopper breakfast at What's Cook'n!2 eggs over easy,grits, bacon,toast,and iced tea.

PT's Cheeseburger & Fry for lunch!

Didn't get out to run/walk till around 6:00 pm. Found a nice secluded dead end stretch of road to run. It's only 9 tenths of a mile though.

Walk in 9 tenths mile, run back out 9 tenths,walk in 9 tenths,run back 6 tenths, and walk the final 3 tenths back to my truck. Total of 3.6 miles with 1.5 miles of it running.

Back home and hit the kettlebells, barbell, and Total Trainer.

Drank a little pedialyte to rehydrate. Broccoli for supper!

Friday Dec. 28th 07

Had the usual Heart stopper breakfast at What's Cook'n!2 eggs over easy,grits, bacon,toast,and iced tea.

Wait a few hours and head down to Wrightsville Beach. Walk 2.5 mile loop in just under 39 minutes. Rest one minute then run the 2.5 mile loop in just under 34 minutes. Then walk it one more time in 38.5 minutes.

Darn....that's how slow I'm runnin'? I only shaved five minutes off the walk. Hell...I guess it looks like I'm runnin' in place? Well......that's the longest distance I've run/waddled without stopping yet.

Grand total of 7 miles waddled in 1 hour 52.5 minutes!!!LOL

I had two motivators from opposite ends of the spectrum. I had a truckload of teenagers ride by and one of them and hollered "walk faster fat ass"!!! I thought...."that's Mr. fat ass to you, punk"!

I travel the loop in the opposite direction that most people walk/run , because I will work myself to death trying to keep up with people as they pass me.

Anyway, I noticed this drop dead gorgeous oriental girl running along like a gazelle as she crossed my path on the first walk. Then we crossed paths again as I was trying to do my best personation at running the second 2.5 miles. She gave me the brightest smile and said "You're doing great"! She has no idea how bad I needed to hear that!

You can't help but notice all the different folks along the way. I noticed this one young man who seemed to be in his twenties trucking along. He was overweight like myself, and seemed to be struggling with his running. I visualized him in the future, 30 or 40 pounds lighter and trucking along like that sweet oriental gazelle that passed me earlier.

I was rather proud of myself for not visualizing the young vibrant runners as curmudgeony old farts like myself. LOL!!!!!

Saturday Dec 29th 07

Not gonna even think about running today cause I over did it yesterday!

These old bones have had it for the week and I'm sore as hell!

Weekly totals are about 10 miles walked and 6.5 miles ran, or waddled in my case!


Lesley Looper said...

Good workout, especially for a Christmas Eve! The dog park sounds like fun.

Uncivil said...

Thanks Lesley
I thought my work our was kinda weak but.........
The weather was perfect for everything yesterday! Tee shirt & favorite attire!

Lesley Looper said...

Yesterday was a good day to take off, for sure, but we were glad to see the rain in this neck of the woods!

What's a total trainer?

Uncivil said...


The "Total Trainer" is kind of like the Chuck Norris endorsed "Total Gym"! I've had both and I like the Total Trainer Power Pro the best!

Lesley Looper said...

Wow, great job on the high mileage! It's interesting what motivates us from one day to the next. You do whatcha gotta do to stay motivated, huh?!

I'm envious that you get to run/walk at the beach! :)

Uncivil said...

Thanks Lesley

It's been perfect running weather here lately, or waddling in my case!LOL!
I feel like rigamortis is trying to set in after that excursion!