Sunday, December 30, 2007

Week Number Three

Week number 3 (Dec 30th 07 > Jan 5th 08)

I'll be doing this weekly, so as not to have too many posts! I will post from day to day but will udate/edit as I go through out the week.

Also....this is a rednecks journal.......rednecks will talk about their cholesterol intake and bodily that being said....readers beware?
Sunday Dec 30th 07
Skipped breakfast this mornin'. Head out to run about 9:30 am. Run/waddle first mile in just over 13 minutes. Walk to the 1.8 mile turn around at old bridge site.Then I ran and walked the 1.8 miles back. I managed to run two half mile stretches on the way back giving me a total of 2 miles running and 1.6 miles walked for today.
Monday Dec 31st 07
Had the usual Heart stopper breakfast at What's Cook'n! 2 eggs scrambled,hash browns, bacon,toast,and coffee.
And a very pleasant surprise before I sat down to eat my brakfast!
I didn't get there until a little after 8:00 am and put my 50 cents in the Star-News rack. I went to pull the newspaper out and felt a weight on top of it? I looked a little further in and noticed what looked like a coffee cup wrapped in a plastic bag?
I figured someone in the restuarant was playing a joke on me, so I grabbed it and brought it inside with me. The waitresses claimed they didn't do it and said "finders keepers"?
Come to find out, it was an advertising stunt that Star-News was doing, and I was the "Early Bird" and a day early I might add!
I took pictures and they should explain it all!

I guess our local newspaper man decided to start the game a day early, cause last time I checked it was still December 31st 2007?

Then for lunch I went to Carolina BBQ and had the buffet, and a friend paid for that! I've really over done it on the eating today! Don't go to a buffet with to skinny friends.

I hope my New Year starts this good and stays this way!!!!.......except for the over eating!....LOL

I hope your's does too!!! to my meager attempt at running today!

I got started around 5:20 pm at Barbados Blvd. And I ran 1 mile in 13.5 minutes. Walked 1/2 mile. Ran another 1 mile in just under 14 minutes. And walked 1/2 mile back to my truck.

I covered 3 miles in 46.5 minutes, and 2 of those miles were running? Crap! I've walked that distance that fast just a few months ago with steel toed shoes!!!!

I'm not giving up! Maybe I'll get the determination to diet and lose weight soon? I've givin up soft drinks since this summer, now I need to learn to give up sweet iced tea, and sweetened coffee darn it!

A friend told me today that I shouldn't be drinking my calories, and that made a lot of sense! Maybe I'll make that my New Year's Resolution?

Tuesday January 1st 2008

"What's Cook'n" was closed this morning so I rode into town and had my "Heart Stopper" breakfast at "Jimbo's"

On the way back home I got pulled over by a Highway Patrolman in an unmarked Mustang! He clocked me going 58 mph in 45 mph zone.

When he got out and walked up to my car........I said "I'm sure starting my New Year off right ain't I?"

He took my license back to his Fancy Mustang , then returned a few minutes later and handed them back to me? All he said was "Slow it down and have a Happy New Year?"

I came home and changed clothes and headed out to Barbados Blvd. Ran 1 mile in 12.5 minutes. Then it took me about 17 minutes to walk the second mile. My calves and ankles were killing me. So, only 1 mile ran and 1 mile walked today!

Come home and clean up, go over and pick Dad up,then head up to Wallace to get my girls for the week. Then we went to Harry McCoy's New Year Mud Party!

Wednesday Jan 2nd 08

First day back at work in almost two weeks! It was good to finally get a liver pudding and egg sandwich from the Piggly Wiggly this morning.

Peanut butter sandwich and Wendy's chili for lunch!

Head out to Barbados Blvd to run after several snafus I'd rather not mention. It's colder than a well diggers ass and I took off and ran about 2 tenths of a mile before I turned around and came back to the car. It's 34 degrees outside and it feels like 24 with the wind factor.

So I head back home and bundle up in a pair of sweats with an old pair of combat crewman's overalls over that,and then a hooded sweatshirt and gloves!

Head back out to Barbados and take off on the run. I swear it felt like I was running in a fat suit? I ran a 1/2 mile, walked a 1/2 mile,then ran 1 1/2 miles and walked the last mile. It took me 53 minutes to cover the 3 miles, but my calves and ankles didn't hurt. Finished up around 8:00 pm

Total run today 2 miles and walked 1 mile.

Thursday & Friday Jan 3rd & 4th 08

Rest days?

Feelin' pretty crappy and it's too cold for me to get my sorry arse motivated. I guess Wednesday's night run in the 30 degree weather just took the wind out of my sails?

Saturday Jan 5th 08

Yeah! It got up to 57 dgrees today, and that feels warm compared to the last 3 days. I had the usual greasy breakfast this mornin'.

It was so nice outside that I took the dogs with me down to Barbados Blvd and walked them a little over a mile, then ran while I pushed them in their stroller for 2 miles with a 14 mpm pace. Then I walked them another mile in the stroller to cool down.

That gives me 2 miles ran today and 2 miles walked.

Weekly totals; ran 9 miles & walked 6.6 miles

PS. I bought my first treadmill today. It's a used Weslo Cadence EX 12. It was only $80 bucks and I figured I might as well start out with a cheap simple one till I'm ready to upgrade. Plus most people can walk faster than I'm running at the moment!!LOL!


Uncivil said...


But I didn't run the two miles straight without walking for a stretch and starting again.

It was almost hot this morning? Probably just the humidity and the fact that I wore a long sleeve tee!

I'm slowly uping my mileage, and no injuries so far!!! Fingers crossed!

Lesley Looper said...

Keep putting the miles in, Jimmy, and it'll pay off! You're smart to increase your mileage slowly--your body will thank you for it later.

I saw an article in Runner's World a few months ago that had a chart on how many lbs lost translated to a certain number of seconds off your time, all things being equal. I think it was in increments of 2 to 5 lbs, not much. I meant to save the chart for motivation, but I think I tossed it in getting ready to move back in June.

Good story about the mug, fun way to end the year. :)

Hope 2008 is a great one for you!

Uncivil said...

I'm increasing my miles slowly because my calves and ankles won't let me go any further!!!!LOL!

My little brother told me today that he signed up for "Weight Watchers".
I guess I'm going to have to bite the bullet and do it?

Thanks for the motivation shug!

Lesley Looper said...

You braved the cold today?! I am impressed! Run/walk on!

Uncivil said...

I was all bundled up,and even had a bandana around my face like an old western outlaw. Then every time I breathed it would fog my glasses up!!!
The cold air was rough on the lungs too! My legs did better than my lungs for a change? Of course, I was extremely slow with it today!