Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Week Number Fifteen

Week Number 15 ( March 23rd > March 29th )

Sunday and Monday didn't do anything. Too busy with personal stuff.

Tuesday March 25th

My Uncle Louis passed away today. This doesn't seem like the proper place to mention it , but he and my Aunt and all my cousins are very important to me. He will be dearly missed.
I was able to spend some time with the family and then come home and run.
The run was like therapy for me and I managed to cover 3 miles in 36 minutes and 10 seconds. Which is my best time yet by the way. I walked a mile before and after the run.
Hopefully I'll be below 200 pounds by race day. I just have to get more serious about dieting.
My lungs are holding out fine. Just waiting for my legs to get in better shape and losing weight will make it easier on the old joints.
Wednesday March 26th
No running, but spend over an hour with the shovel, rake, and chainsaw in the backyard.
Thursday March 27th
Spent the afternoon at aunt Gretchen's with family. Miss Civil brought Ab & Em to me.
Friday March 28th
Went to the funeral for uncle Louis today. It was all surreal to me for some reason. I remember the blossoms of the Bradford pear trees at the grave site. It was rather windy, but it felt good as it cooled us off from the warm sun. At one time it reminded me of an enchanted forest with the blossoms floating and fluttering from the trees.
The family with all my cousins were just as beautiful and they are a living testament to the goodness of uncle Louis.
I came home and took a nap with the girls and then we went to the river for their walk.
Then we went to Barbados Blvd with the stroller. I ran 2 miles and walked 2 miles while pushing the dogs in the stroller.
The run was cut short by a call from a good friend. We went out and had a few drinks and supper with some more good friends.
It was a fine ending to a surreal day.
Saturday March 29th
Too cold and windy to get out and chance getting a cold.
Totals for the week 5miles run & 4miles walked


J said...

Jimmy, I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your family have my heartfelt condolences.

I'm glad that you had a good run to help work things through, though. Sometimes, exercise can be the best therapy. :)

Lesley Looper said...

So sorry to hear about your uncle, Jimmy! :(

Uncivil said...

Thanks J & Lesley

Lesley Looper said...

Glad to hear you had the pups yesterday AND were able to run, especially with the funeral. You're going to do great on the 5k!