Sunday, April 20, 2008

Week Number Nineteen

Week Number 19 ( April 20th > April 26th)

Sunday April 20th

Pretty bad hangover from last night. Can't possibly run today. Did manage a few long slow walk/staggers with the dogs at the river and this evening along the railroad tracks in Burgaw.
Monday > Wednesday
Whew!...That drunk I pulled Saturday night was a rough one to overcome. I was still feeling the effects of it Tuesday? It just completely drained me physically and mentally.
Then got too busy trying to help a friend with some plumbing /electrical problems at his mobile home park Wednesday to get a run in.
Thursday April 24th
I finally got a run in!!!! Went out to the Pirates Table for Shrimp and Flounder with a friend. Comeback home and head out to Barbados Blvd. Decided I better start back slow since it's been almost a week since I've run.
Run 1/2 mile in 5 minute range then walk 1/2 mile. Did that 3 times for a total of 1.5 miles run & 1.5 miles walked.
I felt pretty good, but decided not to over do it.
Then I went out to a bar downtown called "The City Limits" and proceeded to drink like a fish. A good time was had by all. Then breakfast at "The Waffle House" and got home and in bed by 2:30, then up at 5:30 to get ready for work.
Friday April 25 th
I can't believe it? I don't feel near as bad as I thought I would? Worked all day and come home and shoveled a few wheelbarrow loads of dirt. Then off to Barbados Blvd and Run 1/2 mile and walk 1/2 mile intervals. Only did that twice for a total of 1 mile run and 1 mile walked.
I felt that one. My drinking binge has finally wore me down. Tired as a Mo-Fo!!!
Saturday April 26th
Been busy this morning with the shovel and wheelbarrow. Then got out the chainsaw and cut down several small trees and cut up into firewood and stacked.
Went to my ex wife's Grand Mother's 90 th Birthday party at 4:00. My Dad went with me and we had a great time. Her Great grandchildren call her Granny Eggs cause they couldn't pronounce her last name when they were little and it stuck!
I dearly love Granny Eggs!
Never did get in a run today and I have a pittiful total this week cause I partied too much!
Total for week 2.5 miles run......2.5 miles walked


luvmyharleydoggison said...

Sounds like you had fun!

Lesley Looper said...

Missing your posts. Hope you're doing okay!

Uncivil said...

Thanks Lesley

I finally caught up the weekly post today.
My drinking and partying has been getting in the way of my workouts!!!LOL
Been hitting the bars with an old friend. We go back along way and just trying to recapture some of our youth.
Will be good to get back to a normal schedual soon. My brain cells and wallet will thank me!!!!LOL!!!

kim said...

i once did a 5K the morning after a long wild night...what a mistake! sounds like you did the right thing by taking some days off!!