Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Week Number Fourty Seven

Week Number 47 ( November 3rd > November 9th)

Monday Nov. 3rd

Rain all day. To wet to run or take dogs out. Miss Civil came to get the girls today.

Tuesday November 4th Election Day

Rain off and on all day. Managed to get out around 6:30 pm. Ran 2.5 miles, walked 1mile.

OK, I confess...I got the Election Day blues cause I'm afraid too many folks have been drinkin' the Obama Kool-Ade. Drank half a Miller Lite before I left the house to run.

It was drizzling rain when I got started and continued through the whole 3.5 miles. Luckily enough, the global warming made it bearable. Not a star in the sky, but the misty spray of drizzle was quite hypnotizing against the blur of the streetlights.

The run was exhilarating as I pretended to run through the pages of history on this historical day. At times I was on the verge of tears but they wouldn't come. Very emotional run. Ipod on shuffle........Pink Floyd, Stevie Nicks, Seal, Fleetwood Mac, Journey, Blake Shelton, Pink, and way too many to list.

Come home and finish that beer I started. Use it to wash a valium down. Get on the inversion table for some hang time. Take a long shower and sittin here butt ass nekkid contemplating another beer while election news blares in the background.

I sure know how to celebrate history don't I? Oh well.......I can only pray now and I'm not a praying man!

Wednesday & Thursday 5th & 6th

Walk the dogs at the river w/Dad and Tot

Friday Nov. 7th

Walk the dogs at the river. Also Run 2 miles with dogs in the stroller and walk it off for a mile.

Saturday Nov. 8th

Walk the dogs at the river and then run 2 miles with dogs in the stroller and walk it off for a mile.

Got lazy Sunday and didn't go run with little bro and Sis-in-law?

1 comment:

luvmyharleydoggison said...

Signing up Scott to run the 5K this Sunday........