Monday, January 14, 2008

Week Number Five

Week number 5 ( Jan 13th > 19th )

This whole week is pretty much a set back because I have a really bad head cold.

Started the week out crappy. Sick as hell. Shouldn't have run in the rain Saturday!!!!
Did manage to get in 20 minutes on the treadmill Tuesday night and a few light workouts on the total trainer.
Getting in 15 and 20 minute walks on the treadmill through out the week but nothing to keep track of.
The cold and rainy weather is too much for me to try to get outside. Still have a head full of mucous and don't want to chance making it worse.


Lesley Looper said...

Shoot, sorry to hear you're sick! Keep your chin up, and feel better soon.

Rachie-Babe said...

Feel better soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uncivil said...

Thanks Lesley and Rachel
I'm feelin' better but scared to get out in the weather and run for fear of a relapse.

Lesley Looper said...

Glad to hear you're on the mend. The running will come again. Take care of yourself now and your body will thank you.

Lesley Looper said...

Okay, so where's week #6? Hope you're feeling better and back out there, but just to busy to blog. :)