Monday, April 14, 2008

Week Number Eighteen

Week Number 18 ( April 13th > 19th )

Sunday April 13th

I should be recovering from the 5K yesterday, but after shoveling horse shit all morning and playing lifeguard for Abigail at the pool........I felt cocky enough for a run.
Went to Barbados Blvd with the doggies in their stroller and ran 2.5 miles & walked 1.5 miles.
Monday April 14th
Busy day at work today. Not used to using my brain this hard in a while. I just feel completely exhausted. Don't know if it's the 5 K and yesterday's workout catching up to me or what?
It's drizzling outside and I guess that's a good enough excuse for a rest day!
Tuesday April 15th......Tax Day!
I rushed home from work and took the dogs to PetSmart to get dogfood. Then stopped at Food Lion and picked up about $70 worth of groceries. Then I took the dogs to the river for a long walk. I'm still too tired to run. Come home and crash.
Wednesday April 16th
Take the dogs to Barbados Blvd. Run 2.5 miles w/dogs in stroller, & walk it of for a half mile with them. Then put the dogs in the minivan and run another mile on my own. Then walk it off for a half mile.
Thursday April 17th
I had plans to run today but got distracted. I went over to a friend's house and helped with some yard work. Worked up a pretty good sweat with that. I bought an old trailer from him to haul my mower and brought that home. Then my dad and one of his buddies came over to check out my new project and we drank a few beers. Needless to say ....that was the end of any attempt at a running workout.
We probably spread a pickup truck load or more of mulch around Rick's yard, and hauled off a load of limbs and stumps. That's my kind of workout anyway.
Friday April 18th
Hit the big 51 today. That's better than takin' a dirt nap?
Got up early and had a "Heart Stopper" breakfast at What's Cookin' .
Then come home and make sure my mower will fit my new trailer. Practiced loading and unloading it on the trailer. Perfect fit!
Mowed and weed trimed the yard.
Left my front yard just before 10:00 am and ran the loop in Castle Hayne. It's actually 3.1 miles around and back to my house. I ran it in just under 38 minutes. I had to stop once to give an elder lady driving directions to Mcdougal dr.
It was extremely hot in the sun and felt like you were in the air conditioning when you would hit the shady spots.
I walked it off around the backyard in the shade with the dogs.
Took a shower and cleaned up cause it was party time.
My Dad , little bro, and I have a tradition of eating chicken wings and drinking beer at "Hooters" 3 times a year on each of our birthdays.
Dad came and picked me up and we went over to Scott's. My little niece was skipping school today and we couldn't talk her into going to Hooters with us.
But she agreed to go to Buffalo Wild Wings.
Mental note......Asian Zing is just a little too hot for my taste!
Ameron couldn't stay long cause she had to go to work. So then Dad, Scott and I headed over to Hooters for a pitcher of beer and some interesting scenery. I'm glad Ameron didn't go to Hooters with us cause I wouldn't want her to see me ogeling our waitress, not to mention I was getting a pretty good buzz from the beers.
Our waitress was stunningly beautiful and she had a personality to match. The only problem is I'm old enough to be her Dad. We had some good harmless fun with her and she seemed to be having just as good a time as we were.
But Jeeeeeeeese!!!!!! I'm still a pervert!!!!! A 51 year old pervert at that!
At least I'm not dead!!!!.........or!!!!!!!
Saturday April 19th
Had a good buddy from Raleigh come down to visit. I knew I should have ran this morning?
It was Happy Birthday all over again. He took me to Hooter's for lunch. Let the drinkin' begin!!!!
My favorite waitress wasn't there, but..................
We went to Buffalo Wild Wings for supper and she was our waitress there!!!
She works at my two favorite wing joints!!!
Then we went to "The Dirty Martini" at Wrightsville Beach and had a blast the rest of the night.
Running total for the week 9.1 miles
walked only 2.5 miles?


luvmyharleydoggison said...

I agree with the "rest day"!

Lesley Looper said...

Good workout on Wednesday!!

luvmyharleydoggison said...


Uncivil said...

Thanks Lesley
Thanks Sis-in-law!!!!

Lesley Looper said...

Great run to celebrate your birthday! Sounds like you had a fun day all around. Hope it's a great year for you!